Reasons why Entrepreneurs need to be Savvy in Digital Marketing

Reasons why Entrepreneurs need to be Savvy in Digital Marketing

Digital presence is very important since now most people are spending more time online. Did you realize that one of the reasons why Pakatan Harapan won the general election is because of their marketing efforts on Facebook?   (Kudos to their constant Facebook Live videos and Posters) There is no reason for you not to learn digital marketing when […]

6 Easy Tips to Skyrocket Your Sales this Raya Season

6 Easy Tips to Skyrocket Your Sales this Raya Season

After bazaars and open houses, the thing we associate most with Hari Raya is online shopping. Whether customers have a goal to refurbish their living room or source ingredients for pineapple tarts, Malaysians rush to online marketplaces for the best deals. As a seller, you want to be front and center in this sales rush. […]